Philly Metro's Premier Backflow Testing Expert

We provide streamlined inspections that ensure your backflow prevention systems are safe and compliant

Fran Niermann, our lead technician, has been servicing Delaware, Montgomery and Chester counties for decades.
Aqua Pennsylvania Chester Water Authority American Water Pennsylvania

What is backflow prevention testing and why does my commercial property need it?

Backflow prevention devices stop dirty or contaminated water from flowing backward into clean water pipes that families, employees or customers use. Many types of commercial properties are legally mandated to install and operate backflow prevention devices. Further, annual inspections on those devices are often required by utility companies and local governments to ensure they are operating correctly. These inspections can be performed by a certified backflow prevention technician. The annual inspection process is generally pretty simple and can be completed in under an hour.

The typical inspection process:
– Scheduling: Prior to the annual backflow prevention test due date, you need to make an appointment with a certified backflow technician to perform the inspection
Preparation: Once the technician arrives at the site and locates the backflow prevention device(s). The water supply is temporarily turned off. Before starting the test, the technician conducts a visual inspection of the device to check for anything that could the test.
Inspection: The technician will use specialized equipment / adaptors to measure pressure to ensure that the device can maintain the necessary pressure to prevent backflow. A series of tests are then performed to simulate different backflow conditions to assess any potential risks. The technician will also check the valves for proper operation and any signs of leakage.
– Submission
: The completed test report will be submitted to the local water authority to document compliance.

Call us today to learn more. We're happy to provide a free consultation.

Who do we serve?

Service area

We actively work with hundreds of customers across Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery and Chester counties. Many of our customers have been with us for decades.

Type of business

We work with companies across multiple industries from residential apartments to restaurants to industrial firms. We work with firms with only a single backflow prevention device to those with a dozen.

Inspection need

Whether you need a last-minute inspection or are looking for a partner that can put your annual backflow inspections on autopilot, we're here to help.

Frequently asked questions

How often do I need an inspection?

Backflow prevention testing is required once per year.

What types of businesses need an inspection?

Most businesses require backflow testing. More information can often be found on your respective water department's website. Email us and we can help you get the information you need to remain compliant.

How much do you charge for an inspection?

We scope out engagements on a case by case basis. Note, our rates are some of the most competitive in the region.